Thank you to everyone for a great 2024/25 Season!
Membership for this season will open in late September, Space is limited!

Join Our Team

Group of Winter Walden kids with their ski instructor

$18/hour starting wage | Lift tickets included | Free Instructor Clinics  | Rewarding Job

Complete the employment application below and we will follow up with you.  Our season opening weekend is December 9/10th at Pine Knob.  We have an instructor on-the-snow clinic on December 3rd at Pine Knob, weather permitting.

Personal Information

Do not include hyphens (-) between your numbers
Instructor clinics are held the same weeks we teach on Wednesday night from 7:00-9:00 PM at Pine Knob, weather permitting.
Benefits: Better teaching, improved skiing/riding, higher pay, improved student experience, nationally-recognized credentials, access to educational training resources, and pro discounts.
Please include any training certifications you have completed and/or experience (years of teaching, skiing, or boarding).

Consent and Agreement